Monument to Stupidity

The Monument to Stupidity is a place to share your mistakes and revel in their humanity. Sometimes we mess up and that's OK. Share your stories with us completely anonymously and join us in celebrating our ongoing stupidity.


Pushed a last minute refactor. Did not test. MR approved and merged. 2 minutes later I opened a hotfix MR for a logic error in that refactor. Everyone's gone home. That's tomorrow's problem.


woke up at 5:30 a.m. to go fishing. Put everything in truck. Drove to lake. Fished for four hours. Came back to truck. Opened covered truck bed. Discovered cat stowed away. He had jumped in before we left without us noticing. Lucky we found him!


You might've thought after five months that I would've learned my uni timetable. Today would prove you wrong: my phone died and couldn't send a lecture reminder, so I forgot to go.


I bought milk at the supermarket and left it at the self checkout, and didn’t realise until I went to put it in my fridge and it wasn’t in my bag. I had to do a walk of shame back to the supermarket and collect it again.


Spent ages trying to solve a problem that is explained right at the start of the docs.


breathed near my cat


I knew that being out in town for like 11 hours was a bad idea while on the heaviest day of my period and I still wore lighter wash jeans. Thanks tampax ultra tampon no.3 + pad, you did your best but still let me down. Will I ever learn?


I smashed two wine glasses in 10 minutes. yolo


Takeaway curry 4 meals in a row does not sit well with me...


Stayed up till 03:00 tweaking my website and now have to get up to revise for exams :(

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